Forestors Earn Money Without Leaving Their Rooms

Mind Sumo connects college students to the business sphere from the comfort of their rooms. It is about a webpage that provides students experience on working with a company while giv-ing them a chance to earn money in return for ideas only college students can think of at that time.

You can win between $50 to $500 dollars per challenge when your solution is picked as number one out of the ten winners in competitions that go up to 40 submissions per challenge. Therefore, statistically, your probability of winning is 25%, which is really good for an online company and easy money from the comfort of a Lake Forest College room. However, since there is no limit on the number of challenges on which you can partic-ipate, you can create a win-win situation for your-self by participating more on different challenges.


A “solution” is an essay, or paragraphs, careful-ly composed that answers the problem in question. As a college student, time is really precious to me, which is why I do not implement or execute the solutions, I just purpose them. When answering the challenges, you will realize that most of the problems are not that complicated. If you can pro-pose a simple, legitimate, and feasible method to solve the given challenge that is a job well done.

Since the company understands that we are just students, not professionals, there is less competi-tion among participants. No harm and no foul in-tended.

“I got a lot more than money out of this site. I actually have stuff to put on my resume too.” Zach Augustyn ’18 said.

You can earn up to $80 dollars without submit-ting a thing and you only have to earn $20 more dollars to pull the money out via bank transaction. Use this code when you sign up to earn some quick cash and possibly break that free $100 dollar barri-er on which some students seem to have a struggle: TR14CF415, just go to

If, while solving your challenge and earning easy money, you would like to know more about your favorite artists, Muspy is a free service that notices you when they release new albums. Each day Muspy checks the MusicBrainz, an online mu-sic database, to see if the artists you follow have new releases, and notices you if they do. Notifications are sent by email, so simply provide your email, fill your preferences, and enjoy the notifications. It is free to sign up.

“I love Muspy, Muspy loves me” Jeremy Levin-son ’18 said.

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